Wyrwane z kontekstu – Kusząca pornografia

Zawiłości numerów modeli, pochodzenia i rodowodu podtrzymują istnienie kuszącej pornografii, która fetyszyzuje okulary słoneczne i wieczne pióra, buty i rowery, i niemal wszystko, co można sprzedawać, zbierać, klasyfikować, organizować, a reszcie objąć w posiadanie i mieć.

Źródło:  s.7, Język rzeczy. W jaki sposób przedmioty nas uwodzą?, Deyan Sudjic

Prezentacja – Mobile Content: The Return of Shovelware?

Wyrwane z kontekstu – I Have Seen the Future and I Am Opposed

The much more fundamental problem is caused by the business models of the service providers, whether they be for radio or television, cable or satellite, telephone or mobile phone. Each of these providers wish to maximize their profit while simultaneously minimizing that of their competition. They try to enforce proprietary standards, locking people into their own distribution: Think proprietary digital rights management systems for music, movies and books, think locked cellular phones, think region codes on movie DVDs, think overly restrictive copyrights on content and over-inclusive patents on inventions and ideas. Each system has some basis in logic and business, each has some legitimate reason for existence. But these systems are implemented and enforced in ways that restrict them far beyond what is necessary — even to the point of reducing creativity and hurting individuals.

More and more of our open, universal networks are becoming locked down, available only from within the walls erected by corporate interests. This is how a number of our early communication services started: they were walled gardens with all news, entertainment and information locked away inside, accessible only to members. This is the model being followed in todays television world of cable and satellite delivery — it threatens to be the model of all service and content providers.

Źródło: I Have Seen the Future and I Am Opposed, Don Norman

Wdrażanie wzorców projektowych w Yahoo

Standaryzacja i wdrażanie spójnych (nawet w obrębie jednej aplikacji) interfejsów to bolączka wielu zespołów projektowych i deweloperskich.

W 2005 roku, na konferencji ASIS&T IA Summit troje ówcześnych pracowników Yahoo (Matt Leacock, Erin Malone, Chanel Wheeler) zaprezentowało case study wdrożenia wzorców projektowych w ramach swojej firmy i dość precyzyjnie opisali cały proces.

Efektem tej prezentacji jest artykuł Implementing a Pattern Library in the Real World: A Yahoo! Case Study, który pomimo  swojego wieku, nadal jest must-read dla osoby zajmującej się user-experience w zespole projektowym. Polecam.

Poniżej, dwa kluczowe diagramy ze wspomnianego artykułu. Godny uwagi jest też artykuł stworzony w ramach Fluid Project: How to Write a Good Design Pattern.

Source: http://www.leacock.com/patterns/interaction_pattern_wf.pdf

Interaction Pattern Workflow

Source: http://www.leacock.com/patterns/visual_standards_wf.pdf

Visual Standards Workflow

Prezentacja – Lesson Learned building Moshi Monsters

Interesująca prezentacja, w jaki sposób stworzyć, zaprojektować i utrzymać serwis społecznościowy dla grupy wiekowej 7-12.

Gdybym miał ją w jakiś sposób sklasyfikować, to chyba terminem który opisywałby ją najlepiej byłby product development. Znajdziecie w niej  trochę informacji o projektowaniu gier dla dzieci, reklamowaniu produktów i wykorzystaniu modelu Freemium do zarabiania pieniędzy.

Co ciekawe, przy projektowaniu produktów Moshi Monster przetestowało i wykorzystało znany case tygodnika Economist opisany m.in. przez Dana Ariely w książce Predictably Irrational (model trzech cen i odrzucania skrajnie niekorzystego rozwiązania).

Warte obejrzenia.

Wyrwane z kontekstu – Why is Dropbox more popular than other tools with similar functionality?

In the end, it really came down to one incredibly genius idea: Dropbox limited its feature set on purpose. It had one folder and that folder always synced without any issues — it was magic. Syncplicity could sync every folder on your computer until you hit our quota. (..) Our company had too many features and this created confusion amongst our customer base. This in turn led to enough customer support issues that we couldn’t innovate on the product, we were too busy fixing things.

After I left Syncplicity, I ran into the CEO of Dropbox and asked him my burning question: “Why don’t you support multi-folder synchronization?” His answer was classic Dropbox. They built multi-folder support early on and did limited beta testing with it, but they couldn’t get the UI right. It confused people and created too many questions. It was too hard for the average consumer to setup. So it got shelved.

If you’re starting a new company, the best thing you can do is keep your feature set small and focused. Do one thing as best as you possibly can. Your users will beg and beg for more functionality. They will tell you their problems and ask you to fix it. My philosophy is that they’re right if their feature request is right only if it works for 80% of your customers.

Źródło: Why is Dropbox more popular than other tools with similar functionality? – Quora, Isaac Haal, co-founder of Syncplicity (bezpośredniej konkurencji Dropboksa)

Video – Eric Reiss talks about E-service

Jest tylko dwóch ludzi, którzy opowiądając o user experience, potrafią doprowadzić publiczność do śmiechu. Jednym z nich jest Jareed Spool (UIE), a drugim Eric Reiss (FatDUX). W dzisiejszym odcinku Eric Reiss opowie o E-service. Gorąco polecam – znakomita rozrywka.

Poniżej prezentacja dostępna z tej prelekcji.

[Read more…]

Prezentacja – Dark Patterns: An Overview For Brand Owners

Jakiś czas temu, umieściłem bardzo interesującą i popularną prezentację Harrego Brignulla poświęconą  złym wzorcom (dark patterns) w projektowaniu funkcjonalności serwisów WWW. Poniższa prezentacja jest rozszerzeniem poprzedniej i pokazuje przykłady dobrych praktyk i ich wpływ na konwersję.

W odróżnieniu od poprzedniej, jest nieco  bardziej biznesowa i skierowana raczej do  “właścicieli produktów” niż do projektantów. Ale nadal to 20 minut dobrej rozrywki :)

Źródło: Dark Patterns: An Overview For Brand Owners, Harry Brignull

Wyrwane z kontekstu – Getting the Most Out of the Freemium Model

There are some important things to consider when determining the best means of implementing these kinds of freemium strategies. It’s essential that a free sample of premium features provides real value. If it does not, users will not respond, because the free sample doesn’t really function as a reinforcer. At the same time, it’s important that the free sample doesn’t completely fulfill their needs. In the words of Walt Disney, “Always leave them wanting more”.

Źródło: Getting the Most Out of the Freemium Model, Demetrius Madriga & Bryan McClain, UXmatters.

Grafika – Cs Lifecycle

Źródło: Walk a while in someone else’s shoes: Exploring the Role of C…s, Holger Maassen

Wyrwane z kontekstu – Amazon Product Development Process: Start with Customer Work Backwards

(..) the product development process at Amazon is centered on the customer.  Amazon follows a process called “Working Backwards”, which means that the first deliverables created are the documents at  launch, then work backwards towards the items closer to the implementation. Defining a product this way adds clarity and simplicity — you know at the front-end what the customer can expect, and working backwards allows the team to build it.  Here are the general steps followed in this process:

  1. Start by writing the Press Release. Nail it. The press release describes in a simple way what the product does and why it exists – what are the features and benefits. It needs to be very clear and to the point. Writing a press release up front clarifies how the world will see the product – not just how we think about it internally.
  2. Write a Frequently Asked Questions document. Here’s where we add meat to the skeleton provided by the press release. It includes questions that came up when we wrote the press release. You would include questions that other folks asked when you shared the press release and you include questions that define what the product is good for. You put yourself in the shoes of someone using the product and consider all the questions you would have.
  3. Define the customer experience. Describe in precise detail the customer experience for the different things a customer might do with the product. For products with a user interface, we would build mock ups of each screen that the customer uses. For web services, we write use cases, including code snippets, which describe ways you can imagine people using the product. The goal here is to tell stories of how a customer is solving their problems using the product.
  4. Write the User Manual. The user manual is what a customer will use to really find out about what the product is and how they will use it. The user manual typically has three sections, concepts, how-to, and reference, which between them tell the customer everything they need to know to use the product. For products with more than one kind of user, we write more than one user manual.

Źródło, Amazon Product Development Process: Start with Customer Work Backwards, inspiracja: tebe