Archives for July 2010

Metryka na piątek – Czas do zachwytu

There are a lot of metrics out there we can use to  how positive a user experience is. We can look at “time on site” to see how long someone uses a web site. We can look at “return visits” to see how many times someone returns to a web site. (…)

Here’s a simpler but just as interesting metric you might try to measure:

How long does it take for a new visitor/customer to be delighted using your product or service?

Here are a few things you might measure:

  • Time to positive feedback – How long until someone gives you a thumbs up?
  • Time to smile – If you interact with people face-to-face, how long does it take for someone to smile at you?
  • Time to share – If you have a sharing feature, are people using it? Or, are they sharing it with social media or word-of-mouth?
  • Time to create & save – How long until someone saves something that you let them create?

Przeczytaj więcej w artykule Time to Delight w serwisie – 52 Weeks of UX.

University Website

Idealny opis rozdzwięku pomiędzy oczekiwaniami “klientów” a “wymaganiami biznesu”. Źródło: xkcd

Wyrwane z kontekstu – “Message and Medium”

  • You can only have one primary message in which every word has been poured over and has deep meaning. It needs to be laser-focused as all other messages will be born from this one. Make it recognizable and memorable. 3-6 secondary messages can support the primary message. They should provide context for audience, the type of task and information you are presenting, and so on. The remaining 1,000s of details support your primary messages.
  • In one second the user should understand generally where they are–largely driven by visuals and functionality. If we can keep people for 10 seconds, they should understand our primary message. If they stay for two minutes, some secondary messages should be getting through.

Źródło: An Event Apart: Message and Medium.

User Experience a Dilbert

Komiks o korporacyjnej rzeczywistości? Głupie dialogi z nierealnego świata? Dilbert o user experience w wyborze autora 90 percent of everything:  część 1, część 2.

Krótko – badanie posteru naukowego przy użyciu eyetrackingu

Ciekawy sposób na prezentacje wyników badania eyetrackingu przedstawił Mike Pascoe, który “bawiąc się” oprogramowaniem do eyetrackingu sprawdził swój poster. Film z prezentacją poniżej.

Metoda – Navigation stress test

Keith Inston, autor znany z napisanego w 1997 (!) roku artykułu “Site Usability Heuristics for the Web”, jest twórcą metody szybkiego przetestowania jakości nawigacji w serwisie WWW. Test ma znaleźć odpowiedzi na trzy pytania:

  • gdzie jestem?
  • co mogę tutaj znaleźć?
  • gdzie mogę dalej pójść?

Realizacja tego badania jest prosta, a wyniki bywają zaskakujące.

[Read more…]

Krótko – “Recruiting Better Research Participants”

Może nie dramatycznie odkrywczy, ale przydatny  tekst (pomimo że odnoszący się bardziej do amerykańskiego rynku) odnośnie rekrutacji uczestników badań pod tytułem “Recruiting Better Research Participants” został opublikowany kilka dni temu  w ramach lipcowego wydania UXMatters.

Wyrwane z kontekstu – “A Comparison of Questionnaires for Assessing Website Usability”

(…) It is interesting to note that one of the simplest questionnaires studied, SUS (with only 10 rating scales), yielded among the most reliable results across sample sizes. It is also interesting that SUS is the only questionnaire of those studied whose questions all address different aspects of the user’s reaction to the website as a whole (e.g., “I found the website unnecessarily complex”, “I felt very confident using the website”) as opposed to asking the user to assess specific features of the website (e.g., visual appearance, organization of information, etc). These results also indicate that, for the conditions of this study, sample sizes of at least 12-14 participants are needed to get reasonably reliable results.

Źródło: artykuł: A Comparison of Questionnaires for Assessing Website Usability, prezentacja w ramach konferencji  UPA2004 : A Comparison of Questionnaires for Assessing Website Usability,  Thomas S. Tullis and Jacqueline N. Stetson

Wyrwane z kontekstu – “What is Gained and Lost When Using Methods Other Than Empirical Testing”

Overall, heuristic evaluation is better than the cognitive walkthrough for predicting laboratory results, but only for experts. This difference between methods for experts may be due to the heuristic method’s “reminding” experts to analyze more dimensions of the interface, than the cognitive walkthrough is setup to. In addition, heuristic evaluation tends to facilitate naming improvements that go beyond the scope of the tasks for experts. In absolute value, all groups’ except for the experts were quite low in both methods. These methods’ strength, more than their predictive value, is information we gain beyond this.

Źródło: What is Gained and Lost When Using Methods Other Than Empirical Testing, Posters and short talks of the 1992 SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems

Wyrwane z kontekstu – “Making Your Website Senior Friendly”

  • Break information into short sections.
  • Give instructions clearly and number each step.
  • Minimize the use of jargon and technical terms.
  • Use single mouse clicks.
  • Allow additional space around clickable targets.
  • Use 12- or 14-point type size, and make it easy for users to enlarge text.
  • Use high-contrast color combinations, such as black type against a white background.
  • Provide a speech function to hear text read aloud.
  • Provide text-only versions of multimedia content.
  • Minimize scrolling.
  • Choose a search engine that uses keywords and doesn’t require special characters or knowledge of Boolean terms.

Źródło: Making Your Website Senior Friendly: Tips from the National Institute on Aging.

Wyrwane z kontekstu – “How to Deliver a Report Without Getting Lynched”

Principle: Say something nice in the opening paragraph

Every report you ever write from this day until the day you die should start out by saying something nice about the product or service you are reviewing. Then you can get down to business.

Here is how you might have started your report, even if you hated the site as much as you apparently do:

The current website is pleasing in appearance, fits nicely on a variety of screen sizes, and the graphics are clean and crisp. What follows are recommendations that build on that strong base. The recommendations should help you garner new clients and better support your existing client base by….

Cały artykuł źródłowy wart jest przeczytania. Polecam!

Źródło: Bruce Tognazzini, Ask Tog: How to Deliver a Report Without Getting Lynched

Wyrwane z kontekstu – “Care of a Corporate Cash Cow”

  • Naming the usability observation room the “executive lounge” helps invite executives to observe user testing.
  • Marriott recently added the consumer as a stakeholder in their product development process.
  • The Marriott homepage redesign was the most researched project ever at Marriott. It had 14 rounds of testing.
  • The team learned most people don’t like change. Customer service lines were lit up by their most valuable customers (elite members) protesting the new site changes. Overall satisfaction with dropped upon release.

Zrodlo: Web App Masters: Care of a Corporate Cash Cow