Wyrwane z kontekstu – PICTIVE

PICTIVE  to skrót od  Plastic interface for Collaborative Technology Initiatives through video exploration. Interesująca metoda wspólnego projektowania (participative design) opierająca się na wykorzystaniu prostych, podstawowych elementów wyposażenia biurowego, do projektowania interfejsów – bez wykorzystania technologii (za wyjątkiem kamery).

The PICTIVE object model consists of  common office objects, such as colored  pens and Post-It™ notes, as well as scissors and removable tape for tailoring  those materials. These low-tech objects are intended to be mapped onto com- puter functionality, usually as user interface objects. The materials may be supplemented with customized objects, such as proposed icons, or paper repre sentatlons of components of a windowing environment.

Zapoczątkowana metoda pochodzi z początku lat 90-tych (!) kiedy  użyteczność ciągle nazywana była human factors, graficzne środowiska wyglądały dramatycznie źle, a większość czytelników tego serwisu (włącznie z autorem) odbywała edukację w szkole podstawowej.

Under the PICTIVE process model,  these low-tech objects are used by all participants to express their ideas to one another. Each participant is responsible for explaining her or his personal and/or professional stake on the design, and for explaining her or his special expertise.  This may take the form of a mini-tutorial, or a demonstration of a prototype that  was developed following earlier sessions.

Usually guided by the users’ narrative of  their task flow, the group then uses the  low-tech objects to brainstorm ways of adapting technology to the users’ work process; these discussions may also lead to changes in the work process itself, with or without technology interventions. Often, diverse domains and perspectives are communicated through the concrete, low-tech artifacts. Each session concludes with a short design walk-through, captured on video. This helps to focus the group’s achievements, building mutual commitment and collective competence. It also provides a video “minutes of the meeting” that can communicate the group’s design to developers or to other groups (e.g., when multiple stakeholder groups are geographically separated).

The PICTIVE participation model contains three convergent guidelines for deciding who participates in a PICTIVE session. First, diverse expertise contributes unique knowledge to the design. Second, all phases of the software life cycle are likely to be facilitated by the enfranchisement and co-ownership of people who are “downstream” from the design process. Third, we follow the democratic concept that people whose work lives will be influenced by a design should participate In decisions about that design adapted for our North American corporate culture.


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