Wyrwane z kontekstu – “7 Steps to Avoiding User Adoption Problems with Site Redesigns”

NIemłody, ale wartościowy tekst z bloga Demystifying Usability odnośnie błędów popełnianych podczas redesignów/zmian w serwisie. W dużej mierze poświęcony głośnej akcji zmian w Facebooku, ale zawierający też rozsądne sugestie.

  • Reach out to the user community to show you care. Make the “we are listening to you message” clear. Offer a survey. Create a user panel (…) The more users realize a redesign is going on, whether they participate or not, the better. It’s the feeling of being asked that matters.
  • Do extensive segmented usability testing. Usability testing is typically used to validate a new design just before release. While usability testing can provide insight into problems or issues that will impact a site’s ease of use, it is often not used in a robust manner to future-proof against user adoption symptoms. This is especially true if you are using Jakob Nielsen’s ‘test with 5 users’ formula. A way to avoid being blinded by this problem, is to do segmented usability testing. Test with different user types: new users vs. newer users; older users vs. new users; loyal users vs. not-loyal users etc. More in depth usability testing with the segments with the highest user adoption risk can help flush out problems that might not be seen in regular heat-of-the-moment usability testing.

Źródło: 7 Steps to Avoiding User Adoption Problems with Site Redesigns, Demystifying Usability

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