Practitioner’s Take Away – Improving the Usability of E-Book Readers

  • E-readers are not yet accepted as a replacement for a classic paper book.
  • One of the primary reasons for this is poor usability.
  • Another reason is that users expect more functions from an electronic reading device. This problem illustrates a challenge for future e-reader development; more functions should be integrated in such a way that they are usable intuitively.
  • The legibility of the current e-reader generation is good; e-ink technology enables a reading process that is very similar to the reading process for classic paper books.
  • For people with visual impairment, e-readers have the advantage of providing an opportunity to adjust the font size.

Kindle nie był badany.


Improving the Usability of E-Book Readers – International Journal of Usability Studies (podsumowanie)

– Improving the Usability of E-Book Readers , Eva Siegenthaler, Pascal Wurtz, Rudolf Groner (pełen artykuł)

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  1. Nie do końca rozumiem, ale chyba uczestnicy badania nie mieli styczności z czytnikami:

    “They were selected to represent the full range of *possible* e-reader users (with respect to subjective media experience, education, and subjective reading time per week). ”

    Tak więc stwierdzenie że e-książki nie są akceptowane jako zamiennik tradycyjnych dotyczy osób, które z nich nie korzystają.