Wyrwane z kontekstu – “What Happened to Remote Usability Testing?”

Czy zdalne badane użyteczności (nazywane często RUT), są równie skuteczne jak testy przeprowadzane w bezpośrednio  z użytkownikami (typowe Usability Testing)?

Wychodzące w ostatnim półroczu książki: Remote Usability Testing czy Beyond the Usability Lab: Conducting Large-scale Online User Experience Studies potwierdzają istnienie buzzu. Wysyp dużej ilości narzędzi on-line (opisanych m.in. na witrynie remoteusability.com), agresywnie reklamowanych online i offline – ciągle każe się zastanowić – jak skuteczne są zdalne badania? Jak to sprawdzić?

Jedno z przeprowadzonych badań, wskazuje, że:

Remote usability testing is becoming increasingly important. This paper has presented results from a systematic experimental comparison of three methods for remote usability testing and a conventional laboratory- based think-aloud test. The results show that the remote synchronous method is virtually equivalent to the conventional method. The two methods identified almost the same number of usability problems, and test subjects spent the same time completing the tasks. The former conclusion is clearly in line with most of the prior research. The results on the latter are more varied. These conclusions show that remote usability testing has the potential to cross organizational and geographical boundaries and support new approaches to software development such as outsourcing and global and open source software development.

The results on asynchronous methods are not as clear and positive. The asynchronous methods intend to move themajority of effort from expert evaluators to ordinary users. Our findings confirm that the asynchronous methods are more time-consuming for the users and identify fewer usability problems. Moreover, the tests subjects could not provide a usable categorization of the usability problems. Despite the disappointing results, these methods may still be worthwhile to use because they relieve the expert evaluators from a considerable amount of work, and enable collection of use data from a large number of participants.

Źródło: What Happened to Remote Usability Testing? An Empirical Study of Three Methods

Ciekawe. RUT, nawet wykonywane asynchroniczne – mają przed sobą przyszłość – są tanie, więc dobre. I stanowią interesującą alternatywę do tradycyjnych (czyt. bardziej kosztownych) badań użyteczności.

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