Wyrwane z kontekstu – Video Stream Quality Impacts Viewer Behavior

Bardzo, bardzo ciekawe badanie wykonane przez Akamai i naukowca z University of Massachusetts, dowodzący, że w przypadku serwisów serwujących treści wideo, cierpliwość użytkowników oczekujących na rozpoczącie odtwarzania utworu zaczyna się wyczerpywać już w ciągu 2 sekund.

We study the impact of video stream quality on viewer behavior in a scientific data-driven manner by using exten- sive traces from Akamai’s streaming network that include 23 million views from 6.7 million unique viewers. We show that viewers start to abandon a video if it takes more than 2 seconds to start up, with each incremental delay of 1 second resulting in a 5.8% increase in the abandonment rate. Further, we show that a moderate amount of interruptions can decrease the average play time of a viewer by a significant amount. A viewer who experiences a rebuffer delay equal to 1% of the video duration plays 5% less of the video in comparison to a similar viewer who experienced no rebuffering. Finally, we show that a viewer who experienced failure is 2.32% less likely to revisit the same site within a week than a similar viewer who did not experience a failure.

Źródło:  Video Stream Quality Impacts Viewer Behavior: Inferring Causality Using Quasi-Experimental Designs, S. Shunmuga Krishnan &  Ramesh K. Sitaraman, ACM

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