Wyrwane z kontekstu – Measures of Usability and UX – Correlation and Confusion

Measurements of user satisfaction and UX seem to be an artistic rather than a scientific endeavour, with the scope being limited by the imagination and creativity of researchers. Such a diversity of measures not only causes confusion but also fragmentation of the field. Efforts for validating and standardizing these measures are called forth;

ƒTo reduce usability measures into a single measure is bound to lose information, because objective and subjective usability measures may not correlate or even contradict. Similarly, evaluations of UX should not rely on subjective measures – the current predominant type; it is important to develop reliable and valid objective measures (i.e. psycho-physiological and biophysical);

Źródło: Measures of Usability and User Experience – Correlation and Confusion, Effie Lai-Chong Law, Kasper Hornbæk, Towards a UX Manifesto, COST294-MAUSE affiliated workshop

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