Wyrwane z kontekstu – Measuring the User Experience on a Large Scale

Nie tak dawno temu, bo w roku 2010 Google oficjalnie pochwaliło się opracowaniem w dwóch frameworków, do mierzenia “doświadczeń użytkownika” w serwiach odwiedzanych przez dużą ilość gości.  W artykule Measuring the User Experience on a Large Scale: User-Centered Metrics for Web Application autorzy piszą o dwóch istotnych obszarach, których mierzenie było dla nich istotne: twardych danych (m.in. ilość odwiedzin, szybkość, zarobki) oraz miękkich (szczęście, zaangażowanie, kończenie z sukcesem zadań itp). Informują też, że stworzone przez nich frameworki, w roku 2010 wykorzystywane były w 20 produktach Google.

Odnośne frameworku PULSE:

The most commonly used large-scale metrics are focused on business or technical aspects of a product, and they (or similar variations) are widely used by many organizations to track overall product health. We call these PULSE metrics: Page views, Uptime, Latency, Seven-day active users (i.e. the number of unique users who used the product at least once in the last week), and Earnings.

These metrics are all extremely important, and are related to user experience – for example, a product that has a lot of outages (low uptime) or is very slow (high latency) is unlikely to attract users. An e-commerce site whose purchasing flow has too many steps is likely to earn less money. A product with an excellent user experience is more likely to see increases in page views and unique users.

Framework HEART:

Based on the shortcomings we saw in PULSE, both for measuring user experience quality, and providing actionable data, we created a complementary metrics framework, HEART: Happiness, Engagement, Adoption, Retention, and Task success. These are categories, from which teams can then define the specific metrics that they will use to track progress towards goals. The Happiness and Task Success categories are generalized from existing user experience metrics: Happiness incorporates satisfaction, and Task Success incorporates both effectiveness and efficiency. Engagement, Adoption, and Retention are new categories, made possible by large-scale behavioral data.

Pełen artykuł źródłowy dla zainteresowanych:  Measuring the User Experience on a Large Scale: User-Centered Metrics for Web Applications”, Kerry RoddenHilary Hutchinson, Xin Fu, Proceedings of CHI 2010.

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