Wyrwane z kontekstu – Instagram 30-Second Rule for App Success

“Products can introduce more complexity over time, but as far as launching and introducing a new product in to the market, its a marketing problem,” Systrom tells Fast Company. “You have to explain everything you do, and people have to understand it, within seconds.

For Instagram, that meant cutting out the clutter. Systrom refers to Burbn now as a “science experiment,” a way to test “just about everything to figure out what stuck.” That meant experimenting with check-ins, posting photos and videos, adding comments and Like buttons, incorporating game mechanics, and tinkering with a feature called Plans, which related to future check-ins.

“When youre introducing a mobile app, you look around and say, we could be doing 15 different things, but how do we communicate to someone why they would want to download and even sign up for this thing?” Systrom says. “In the mobile context, you need to explain what you do in 30 seconds or less because people move on to the next shiny object. There are so many apps and people are vying for your attention on the go. Its the one context in which youve got lots and lots of other stuff going on. Youre not sitting in front of a computer; youre at a bus stop or in a meeting.”

Źródło: Instagram Founder Kevin Systroms 30-Second Rule for App Success, Fast Company

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