Wyrwane z kontekstu – User and Customer Experience in a Member Services Organization

Veitia: You have daily opportunities, and there are positive opportunities that you can proactively address, and there are some challenges that come along the line.

We had recently an analysis of a business unit who changed a bit of their model and, for real good reasons, decided to limit the number of letters or paper that went into the mailing for cost reduction purposes. Unfortunately, that compromised the clarity of the message and resulted in 30,000 calls to a call center and a very challenged experience for the consumer and the member. And when you can put on paper the money that was saved on postage and the costs to the call center, and layer on top the customer experience, it becomes very clear, even to the CFO, that it is in our best interest to do things with the member in mind and the customer perspective—that if it wasn’t clear enough for the customer, that mailing would have only created more challenge for us.

So it isn’t daily that that happens. We learn from our mistakes. But also on the proactive end, we are able to influence things like the onboarding first-year process, where one single point on renewal rate improvement can mean millions of dollars to our organization. And if you start looking at usability and center your operations around usability and customer experience, you can find very quickly metrics that will justify more than the necessary investments in what needs to be done.

Źródło: User and Customer Experience in a Member Services Organization: An interview with Sylvia Veitia of AAA, UX Magazine

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