Wyrwane z kontekstu – How Facebook Did UX Testing For Facebook Home

Q:Was Facebook Home UX research unique in any way, compared to testing that has gone into other Facebook products or features?

A: One of the most interesting things about this research was the fact that we actually used so many different techniques: the diary study, interview, and observation, user surveys. We used logging for different types of events. We used focus groups. We had internal conversations with users to get feedback as well. I think the combination of those different approaches allowed us to see some patterns emerge and focus on the right things. Each of those individually was really usable for certain types of interactions, to cover certain types of issues that the product has. The combination was something that was really interesting and I think really paid off in the end.


Q: How many people are we talking about, total?
A: I interviewed around 60 people with the diary study. The amount of data that we required, the amount of feedback, and the level of interaction that we had with each of those participants. For the first batch, we had around 12 people doing the diary study and for the second one we had around 10 people doing the diary study over the course of four or five weeks. Each of these users was interviewed several times. They provide feedback four or five times a week, so it’s a pretty intense study and we couldn’t do it with a lot of people. Usually, this type of approach is used with fewer people, actually, but because of the importance of this project and the type of experience that we’re providing, so intense. It’s interesting and different from what people are used to.

Źródło: How Facebook Did UX Testing For Facebook Home (With Fewer Than 60 People), Chris Dannen, Fast Co.Labs

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