Wyrwane z kontekstu – What is the best process for simplifying a user interface and experience?

Bardzo dobre (chociaż miejscami bardzo oczywiste) podsumowanie  Dana Saffera, autora bardzo popularnej książki Designing for interactions, zawierające rekomendacje jak najlepiej upraszczać interfejsy i doświadczenia:

  • Remove features. The more features you have, the more complexity you have.
  • Hide features. Use menus, tabs, dropdowns, etc. to make features available, but not seen until needed.
  • Organize features. Cluster like features, content, and controls together under a single area (which can be hidden).
  • Tightly align the user’s mental model with the product’s conceptual model. The closer you get, the simpler it will seem.
  • Make every choice visible. Rather than hiding all choices under a dropdown, for instance, show them all.
  • Conversely, hide some choices if there are too many to be reasonably scanned.
  • Reduce choice. Take away customization and limit choices to the most often used.
  • Smart defaults. Have them. Make them visible.
  • Shortcuts. Make shortcuts to the most used actions in the product.
  • Distribute functionality to the right platform. Decide where functionality should logically be located: device, desktop, web. Don’t cram everything onto one platform unless it makes sense to do so.

Źródło: Product Design (software): What is the best process for simplifying a user interface and experience?, Dan Saffer, Quora

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