Banki w “komórkach” czyli badania w Korei

Z każdym miesiącem roku 2010, wzrastająca w Polsce sprzedaż telefonów komórkowych z systemami Android czy iOS mobilizuje banki do udostępniania dedykowanych aplikacji lub uproszczonych stron pozwalających na wykonanie podstawowych operacji w banku.

Temat projektowania takich rozwiązań nie jest nowy i pojawia się właściwie już po raz drugi (pierwszą falą była technologia WAP). Dwóch koreańskich badaczy: Kun-Chang Lee oraz Namho Chung w bardzo dobrym i dość popularnym, opublikowanych w zeszłym roku artykule “Understanding factors affecting trust in and satisfaction with mobile banking in Korea” przestawiło kilka elementów, które chociaż dotyczą Korei, dostarczają interesujących wniosków.

One of the important issues in this study is the role trust plays in assessing the degree of satisfaction of mobile banking users. As in Internet banking, mobile banking involves processing banking tasks without having face-to-face contact with bank staff. Such actions inevitably involve risk and uncertainty, and eliminating these things requires more effort in mobile banking than in Internet banking. Consequently, the quality of mobile banking and customers’ trust levels affect the degree of satisfaction with mobile banking.(…) These results suggest that trust is an important variable in customer satisfaction for the mobile banking environment.

(…) As mentioned earlier, this study found that three quality factors have significant effects on trust. Factors that enable customers to trust mobile banking are therefore said to include stability and accuracy of the corresponding mobile banking system, provision of accurate information for conducting banking transactions, and adequate presentation of information.

While system quality and information quality were classified as significant variables for customer satisfaction, design quality was not. This suggests that system quality and information quality must be provided to satisfy mobile banking customers, but that design quality is not as important. It is possible that since mobile banking is a very utilitarian transaction, design quality has a relatively minor impact compared to system or information quality; still design quality indirectly affects customer satisfaction through trust. It is not an element that can be dismissed.

Based on our findings, it is in the best interest of mobile banking service providers to gain the trust of their customers. Providing reliable and appropriate information are more effective ways of doing this than having a good-looking design interface. (…) Now Internet banking is firmly established and mobile banking has emerged as a new banking channel; however, the results of this study show that customers’ recognition has barely changed. That is, information quality and system quality are more important than the design aspect in mobile banking.

Źródło: Understanding factors affecting trust in and satisfaction with mobile banking in Korea: A modified DeLone and McLean’s model perspective (Science Direct), Kun Chang Lee, Namho Chung, Interacting with Computers 21 (2009) 385–392

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