Wyrwane z kontekstu – “Avoid Being Embarrassed by Your Error Messages”

You’re going to display your error message to a person, so write it in the tone of voice you would use if you were telling the error message to the person directly. What is appropriate to your brand and the users you expect to be working with?

Avoid jargon like invalid codeunrecognized fieldmandatory—and device.
If you are not clear on what people might see as jargon, try out the text on a person who doesn’t design or develop technology.

Or, if that is impossible, you can get a sense of what words might be familiar to nontechnical people from a tool such as the Vocabulary Profiler, an online checker that tells you whether your text is among the most common 1000 words in English, the next most common 1000 words, from academic language, or is unfamiliar to most people.

Źródło: Avoid Being Embarrassed by Your Error Messages, Caroline Jarrett, UX Matters

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