“Design with intent” – Karty wspomagające proces projektowania

“Design with intent toolkit 1.0” to  zestaw 101 kart, gdzie każda karta przedstawia osobny obszar interakcji ludzi z produktami, usługami, środowiskiem i między sobą. Karty pogrupowane są w 8 kategoriach: Architectural, Errorproofing, Interaction, Ludic, Perceptual, Cognitive, Machiavellian, Security. Autor, tak opisuje cel powstania kart:

The intention is that the cards are useful at the idea generation stage of the design process, helping designers, clients and – perhaps most importantly – potential users themselves explore behaviour change concepts from a number of disciplines, and think about how they might relate to the problem at hand. Judging by the impact of earlier iterations, the cards could also be useful in stakeholder workshops, and design / technology / computer science education.

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