Based on my research I’ve found that existing popular web actions can be placed into one of a few categories based on user motivations:
- later: “I don’t have time or this is too long!” – AKA tldr or more positively put: I want to read this later. Readability and Instapaper are examples.
- save: “This is interesting and I want to save it!” – similar to “later”, but primarily a collection impulse. Some use saving as a read later function, but this is more about collecting, categorizing, and knowing it’s somewhere you might find it again since it might be useful some day. Bookmarking is a form of saving.
- props – “This is cool, I like this, I want to praise it.” – This item is worthy and deserves recognition. Digg, Like, Favorite, +1 are all examples. Sometimes favoriting is used as a method of saving, but it’s special in that it indicates a positive evaluation.
- share – “This is so good that I feel compelled to share it, my friends will want to see this, or sharing it will make me look smart, in-the-know etc.” – This item is worth passing on to friends, perhaps with commentary. Tweet, Blog This, and Tumblr are all examples.
- follow – “I want to hear more from this author/site!” – I like this site/author, perhaps based on this post, and want to see more from them in the future. While Twitter’s Follow button is the obvious example, the earliest occurrences of this web action date back to the late 1990s and the emergence of “subscribe to my feed / RSS” buttons. This may be the oldest web action.
There are more categories; these are just the common ones.
By studying and classifying existing web actions from a user motivation perspective, we can better design user experiences that place the web actions such that a user will more likely see them when they are motivated to use them.
Źródło: Web Actions: Identifying A New Building Block For The Web, Tantek Çelik
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